Revit TotD – 4.1.09: Keyboard Shortcuts that come in Handy

In a previous TotD I mentioned the path to the keyboard shortcuts text file that will allow you to change or add some keyboard shortcuts that may help you speed up some of those repetitive tasks.

I have setup my own keyboard shortcuts based on commands that I found myself spending MANY mouse clicks doing that could have been eliminated by simply making a keyboard shortcut for it.  This has saved me so much time that I have decided to share a few of these.  I’m going to present these in the format that the Keyboard shortcut file presents them: “<KEYSTROKE>” <Menu location>.  Note also that you may  need to change some shortcuts that already have these keystroke designations.  Simply search the text file for that keystroke combo to see if it is already reserved.

“ER”    menu:”File-Editing Requests”

“RL”    menu:”File-Reload Latest”

“PS”    menu:”Edit-Paste Aligned-Same Place”

“PR”    menu:”Edit-Properties”

“AV”    menu:”View-Activate View”

“DV”    menu:”View-Deactivate View”

“HH”    menu:”View-Temporary Hide/Isolate-Hide Object”

“HI”    menu:”View-Temporary Hide/Isolate-Isolate Object”

“HC”    menu:”View-Temporary Hide/Isolate-Hide Category”

“IC”    menu:”View-Temporary Hide/Isolate-Isolate Category”

“HR”    menu:”View-Temporary Hide/Isolate-Reset Temporary Hide/Isolate”

“TL”    menu:”View-Thin Lines”

“DO”    menu:”Tools-Design Options-Design Options”

“WT”    menu:”Window-Tile”

“ZF”    menu:”View-Zoom-Zoom To Fit”

“ZA”    menu:”View-Zoom-Zoom All To Fit”

Some of these are my custom shortcuts, and some are pre existing shortcuts that I use on an everyday basis.  I hope this helps your productivity a little and as always, I hope you enjoyed today’s Tip of the Day!

-Carl Gibson