Revit TotD – 5.11.09: A little preview…

No really, that’s what I’m going to show you how to do!  You didn’t think I was going to like… show you a preview of your life or something did you?… I’m not quite that good, yet.   Anyhow, you know those little thumbnails that Revit generates of your project?  Ever pay any attention to them?  What if you could put pertinent information in the preview so that the person could browse a project folder by thumbnail and pick out a project based on the image instead of having to look at the filename?  Interested now?  This is a little something I picked up from Will Harris’ Rock Star Hour.  Let me show you what to do!

As demonstrated in this video, do the following to choose your preview image.

File Previews from the Recent Files dialogue
File Previews from the Recent Files dialogue

1)With your file open, goto File > Save As (even if you are saving to the same file name, you have to do Save As to reach these options).  When the dialogue comes up, select Options.

2)Here you will find a plethora of options to save with your project.  The ones that interest us are on the very bottom under “Preview”

3)Select the view you want to show as the thumbnail.  Select Force Update to ensure the thumbnail updates when you save the project.

That’s it!  Hope this is useful to someone out there!

On a side note, I wanted to point something out.  Those of you linking from Twitter probably already know this, but for the uninformed  you are now receiving free advice from a Certified Autodesk Professional!  That’s right, as of last week the Revit Tip of the Day is being autoered by a certified Autodesk Revit 09 Professional.  Of course, I’m voiding my certification by using 2010, but I think you get the point.  What’s that, don’t believe me?  Feast your eyes upon this!


BOOYAH!  So next time you are caught looking at this Tip of the Day blog while you’re at work and your boss is about to fire you, just point him/her to this and tell them you were receiving free help from a Certified Revit Professional, thus helping their bottom line by keeping them from hiring me to show you how to do that.. trust me, I’m not always free!

Thanks for coming back, sorry for the long break, but guess what… I’m baaaaack!!!¬† See you tomorrow!
