Revit TotD – 11.1.2010 | Provide References
So now that you have a little taste of how to create those basic modeling forms let’s look a little bit deeper into how those forms are made and can be manipulated. Here we’ll look at the difference between model lines and reference lines in CDE and why you want to use one over the […]
Revit TotD – 10.29.2010 | Studio Project and Revit
For quite some time I’ve been discussing with a friend and fellow designer (Gerry Hogsed) the possibility of starting a series specifically for College students (maybe even some High School students that want to do more than troll the RevitCity chat room). With the number of questions being asked on the forum and in the […]
Revit TotD – 10.27.2010 | View Cube + Zoom Extents
Here’s a quick one to throw up at the end of the day. A quick way to navigate around 3d views if you like using the View Cube. By clicking on the View Cube, we get a nice little animation with a built in zoom extents that orients the view to the corresponding side of […]
Revit TotD – 10.15.2010 | How you make them funny leaning walls?
Keeping in the spirit of answering frequently asked questions in the RevitCity.com chat, I figured I’d field this one since it has only been asked… about a dozen times this week! It’s apparent that the direction of design is just begging people to know how to make those funny leaning walls! So here we are, […]
IRC Back up! Come ask your Revit questions for free!
You can join us on our newly upgraded IRC channel! Check out the details here: http://revittotd.com/02/792
So there was supposed to be a TotD up today, but I’ve been recovering from a head cold. No.. that was NOT me you saw playing Disc Golf yesterday instead of making today’s tip. Even if it was it would be my way of recovering >_>… I’ll have another tip up tomorrow, medication pending! Till […]
RevitTotD Revit IRC Chat
The IRC Chat server will be down intermittently for the next few days while we upgrade its service. Please pardon the inconvenience! Join us at RevitCity.com for chatting if you have any live questions!
Revit TotD – 8.30.2010 | In-fill mash up
NOTICE: I just noticed that the entire video recorded with ZERO sound. I will re record this video and re-upload it as soon as I can. Until then, my sincerest apologies for making you guess what I’m talking about 🙂 An easy quick tip to start off the day. Phasing can be a pain to even the […]
Revit TotD – 8.26.2010 | Plans like the REALLY Kewl kids Make!
Alright! Another 2 post week! “Psha, whatever Carl, people out there make posts every day. What’s the big deal?” Hush, I’m proud of myself 😛 Today is really going to be a follow-up of the last post on Section Perspectives. This is a quick little technique to create Plan perspectives, which really can be used […]
Revit TotD – 8.23.2010 | The Views the Kewl Kids Make!
Welcome back.. where you been? What do you mean where have I been? I’ve been here… being… lazy.. oh alright, you caught me. I really am trying to bring this thing back to life, I promise! I’ve got it on my calendar and everything to start making more of these; and thanks to my great […]