Revit TotD – 1.26.2012 | Moving Walls, One End at a Time
Yo dawg, I heard you like Revit tips! So I have another one for you. You know how you can move everything in Revit a specified distance? Well, everything except the objects that you want to move a specified distance, obviously. I mean, this IS Revit after all. Well, today I aim to reduce that […]
Never again…
When it comes to Revit, theories on workflow and implementation change on what seems to be a weekly and sometimes daily basis depending how deep into the rabbit hole you are. One such implementation strategy that I’ve long held to is teach the people how to detail first. This covers all flavors of sin in Revit including […]
Revit TotD – 1.24.2012 | How to get PDFs from consultants into Revit
This was an interesting question brought to me often from all sides of the firm; administrative, marketing, project management, specs, etc. “Can Revit bring a PDF into the project?” Now, there’s probably two reasons you are here reading this article right now. 1) You REALLY don’t want to use Autodesk’s native format, DWFx for some […]
Is it a SOPA violation? I’ll let you decide. It’s really in regards to some major changes coming up regarding RevitTotD. In attempt to become a more involved blogger I’m going to be making a few changes around the shop. For now, I’m concentrating my latest project which has kept me quite busy recently! Until […]
Revit TotD – 12.13.2011 | Quick Shortcut Share
Protip #… oh I forget. Change your keyboard shortcuts for the folowing: Select All Instances: In Entire View – SSA Select All Instances: Visible in View – SA Cause let’s face it, every time you hit “SA” you meant to select everything in that view! 😉 More to come, even if it is small things like this. […]
Revit Interface Class outline
So I’m teaching a quick class on the Revit Interface in my office and I thought I would post the class outline in case anyone wanted a reference guide or something to use as a start for a similar training class at their office. Enjoy and feel free to comment! If you use it, please […]
RevitCity chat… INSIDE OF REVIT!
Um.. again.. kinda. This one is much less user friendly because of the authentication protocol that has to happen on RevitCity.com’s side. However, it IS possible! Here’s how! If you haven’t already, go read this post and read the first 4 steps to create the module (or the whole post if you want a chat […]
Well, kinda. It uses a webInterface which is basically a .net wrapper for Internet Explorer. This bit of code was made by joseguia over at RevitForum.org and I am eternally thankful for it! Here’s a quick tutorial on how to set it up. The advantage of this is that it is actually a Revit window, […]
Revit TotD – 5.12.2011 | Immediate, Extended and RHSC Families 2.1
Second Installment of the Family Creation series!
Embedded DWF Test
Just to have some fun 🙂 Edit: apparently this does not work in WordPress… Editedit: but does outside of Wrodpress: http://cre8iveThings.com/revit/DWFEmbed.html (note: safari/webkit does not appear to work.) Editeditedit: also does not work in chrome.. some multi platform tool THIS is turning out to be… Layouts: 3D: Rumor has it you have to click and […]