New Product! – Screened Doors
Well, much more than just screened doors. These girls are sporting the works! Screened, Arched, Shutters… well just read this description! Single Panel door with (2) screen panels (renders as mesh material). Arched blocking for shutter closure matches arch of shutters (which have matching paneling). This family contains a LOT of great features including: Version: […]
New Product! – EKBY TRYGGVE Shelf
In what I’m hoping to become a trend this year, I’m going to start what I’m hoping will end up being like my little (and possibly much larger) Revit version of Apple’s App Store. Yes, it’s just a single product right now, but I’m hoping to add more through out the year. So what’s new […]
Why so sad?
I know, I haven’t posted in a while. Joanna and I are still trying to get settled in to our new place and I still don’t have my laptop back (story later!). In the mean time I thought I would post this conversation I just had over at RevitCity.com. This is the result of trying […]
And now, some more problem solving…
Anyone who thinks that Revit is just too slow really needs to stop griping and start using it more. It’s kinda like complaining about a manual transmission that keeps dying while you are trying to drive it, on your first time out in a manual transmission car. I love using Revit to come up with […]
Revit TotD – 12.2.2010 | Ctrl your Ribbons!
So I really did have a real tip planned for today! Really and truly I did! Alas, this was foiled by the Apple store calling and informing me that the new display for my laptop was ready. Don’t worry, all is ok with the laptop, I just like abusing my AppleCare plan as much as […]
Playing with Revit’s Head
I love making Revit think it’s capable of more than it’s capable of doing. Messing around with some rendering techniques. What ya think? Now if I could only remember how I got it to do this… :/
That’s, “Yet Another Day Without a Tip of the Day” in case you’re interested. I’m afraid you college kids and Reviteers in need of a Massing series may have to wait until we get into our new house. We’ve opted out of hiring professional moving help which means I get to work four jobs for […]
Revit TotD – 11.19.2010 | Oooo Shiny….
Yeah, between being sick.. again… packing and, well… being sick, I haven’t quite been able to put together a good string of TotDs this week so instead… HEY! What’s that over yonder?!!?! *points* *click for enlarged goodness!* 100% Revit rendering awesomeness…. minus the RPC plants :/ More tips next week, till then, thanks for stopping […]
Revit TotD – 11.17.2010 | SPF100 Minimum
Hopefully you spent all weekend playing around with those surfaces and components and patterns cause today we’re going to dive into some of the features behind each of those, beginning with Divided Surfaces! So as you saw from our last TotD, divided surfaces is the first step to take in turning your mass into something really fun […]
Get with it Microsoft…
How come my Apple only uses this much RAM to run Revit?… 😉 Yah.. I wish. I’d like to thank all the Parallels people that make this fantasy more real than it needed to be… xD