Revit TotD – 10.15.09 | Pancake Floors

So you just finished placing the existing structure of building you are remodeling into revit and start working on the floors… only to ask the question, “Should I really have made this a single floor type?” Well, today’s tip is less of a How-to and more of a How Carl Does It.

Typically, you would simply build the layers into the floor structure, but sometimes the situation calls for a different approach. In this case, we already have one flapjack down (the structural slab). Now we just need to stack our plate higher!

[VIDEO]Well unfortunately, this video did not get uploaded somehow and it is no longer available for me to recover. Sorry about that :([VIDEO]

This is something like what you would be dealing with in this situation. A simple slab with your interior partition walls in place on top of it.


Obviously, the floor finishes wouldn’t run under the partition wall (hopefully they weren’t that lazy when building the walls). So we want to place a new floor with each finish structure on each side of our wall.



Now this doesn’t finish our little fiasco here. You’ll notice that our floors are actually embedded in each other, so this is where we need to break the real parametrics part of the model. We’re going to manually offset the floors, each by it’s own total thickness in order to keep them from overlapping each other.


This is a little better!

So another nice easy one to help get me going again. Thanks again for stopping by and I hope to see you again for another, Revit TotD!


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